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Whitehaven RL car stickers

Just £1 each at Richadsons Wine and Gifts on Lowther Street.

Or £3 for set of two
Find out how to get your car stickers

To get your sticker either purchase at Richardsons, Lowther Street.

OR email your full name and address and you will be sent a Paypal invoice to pay by credit card. Or simply click the payment button ensuring you include your address.

or post your details with cheque made out to B. Siddall, 35 St Helens Street, Cockermouth, Cumbria.
Find out how to get your car stickers

Across the Big Pond

Whitehaven fan Brian Rodgers in
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada adds his Whitehaven Marras car sticker

www.marras.co.uk the web site of Whitehaven Rugby League