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Leeds Rhinos come to the Recre

Commenting at the dinner Sinfield said, “It was great to walk about Whitehaven and see the passion that people have for Rugby League. We felt like Premiership footballers, everyone kept coming up to us and asking us for autographs and we were more than happy to accommodate them.”

To watch eight videos from the dinner including interviews with Sinfield and Stokes visit www.therhinos.co.uk/tv

Kyle Amor talks about signing for the Champions, Jamie Peacock looks ahead to the future with Leeds and England, Rob Burrow says the new squad is gelling together well whilst Danny Buderus says he has high hopes for the new season. Brian McClennan is excited about the club's young players and Jamie Jones-Buchanan reveals a new found love of Scrabble within the squad!

Pictured at the Jordans Nuclear table, Saturday January 23 2010...a good night was reported by all involved.


www.marras.co.uk the web site of Whitehaven Rugby League